
EAF – Helping women and girls to escape abuse and violence

28 November, 2022

Victim Support Scotland is here to support anyone who may be affected by domestic abuse, whether or not a crime has been recorded to the police.

Our Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF) offers support to people fleeing abuse or violence who needs emergency financial support.

From 2020, the most common type of application received to the EAF within the category of non-sexual crimes of violence was for situations involving domestic abuse. National crime statistics highlight that incidences of domestic abuse have increased year-on-year from the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jenny was attacked by her ex-partner at her home and was living in fear of him returning to the property. She applied to the Emergency Assistance Fund for a video doorbell. Victim Support staff spoke to her about additional security measures, making sure she had sufficient lighting outside, and awarded her motion-sensor alarms for all her windows and door, as well as the video doorbell. 

I felt extremely unsafe and scared especially as I stay in a ground floor flat. The Emergency Assistance Fund provided me with a video doorbell so I can see who's at the door, and motion-sensor alarms for all my windows and doors.

I feel so much safer with the alarms as even the slightest knock or bash sets them off so I know that if anyone was trying to get in, it would scare them away.

Jenny, domestic abuse victim

Due to the far-reaching financial constraints people affected by crime often experience, applications to the Emergency Assistance Fund can be made by individuals or charities supporting them through our online website form.

From 2020, 136 external agencies utilised the fund, with the highest percentage received from other victim support services such as ASSIST and Women’s Aid to direct assist people freeing domestic abuse.

We had a recent application completed for a woman with a young child who had fled a domestic abuse situation and was back living with her parents.

There were many extremely challenging things that she had to endure, but one of them was that she had left without her or her child's clothes and had been trying to get some back from the abusive partner. He sent a box of her child’s clothes all cut up and torn.

The Emergency Assistance Fund application was for vouchers to buy winter clothing for herself and her daughter. She was so grateful, as were her parents, and they gave in a box of biscuits for the staff and volunteers.

VSS Locality Manager

VSS can provide further support by working with partners to identify legal aid, writing to social landlord to request new tenancies and supporting people through the justice system.

Contact our helpline on 0800 160 1985 or get in touch through our webchat if you or someone you know may need support.