VSS and Police Scotland launch new Hate Crime Toolkit
A new Hate Crime Toolkit, outlining support available, how to report hate crime and the criminal justice system process has been launched today by Victim Support Scotland (VSS) and Police Scotland.
The toolkit is one of the first of its kind in Scotland, and will be available for anyone who may be affected by hate crime, and includes guidance on what to do if you witness a hate crime.
The resource has been shared extensively throughout the Police Scotland network, and will be offered to anyone who has been affected by hate crime.
Sections throughout the booklet include reporting hate crime, third party reporting, attending court and giving evidence and also talks through how to look after your mental health following any hate crime incident.
Last year, more than 5,000 hate crime incidents were reported to the police. In 2021, hate crimes against members of the LGBTQi+ community increased by 10%, with trans-related hate crime significantly rising since 2014.
Kate Wallace, Chief Executive of Victim Support Scotland said: “We are delighted to have worked closely with Police Scotland in launching this much needed resource for anyone who may be affected by hate crime.
“Any form of hate crime can have a long-lasting impact on individuals, families and communities, leading to a sense isolation and powerlessness. We hope the Hate Crime Toolkit can empower people affected by hate crime to report any incidents to the police and seek appropriate support.
“Victim Support Scotland is here to provide practical and emotional support to anyone affected by hate crime, regardless of background. Our services are free, confidential and available to everyone, regardless of background.
“Anyone affected by hate crime and hate incidents, who does not want to report to the police directly, can use Victim Support Scotland’s Third Party Reporting services across the country.
“Please contact us for a confidential chat on 0800 160 1985 or visit www.victimsupport.scot.”
Police Scotland’s Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie said: “Hate crime in any form has absolutely no place in Scotland and we are committed to tackling these offences whenever they occur and bringing perpetrators to justice.
“The impact of hate crime can be severe and have long-lasting effects for victims and the wider community and it is vitally important that those affected know the range of specialist support services available to them.
“No one should suffer in silence or deal with the impact of hate crime alone. The hate crime toolkit provides the public with all the necessary information they may require should they experience hate crime. We are delighted to have supported the development of this worthwhile resource.”