Victims’ Awareness Week 2022
Victims Awareness Week takes place between 21 – 27 February, coinciding with European Day for Victims of Crime on Tuesday 22 February.
It is Victim Support Scotland’s annual national awareness week which provides the opportunity to promote messages in support of people affected by crime by championing their voices, experiences and rights.
The theme of this year’s campaign is Mind My Voice, highlighting untold stories from people who are affected by crime.
Every year in Scotland, more than 50% of crimes goes unreported due to people being unsure of the severity of what has happened to them, and for fear of not been taken seriously.
Victim Support Scotland believes this isn’t an issue of accessing services, and hopes the campaign will give people the confidence to come forward and report crime, and get support, while also sharing their experiences.
Kate Wallace, Chief Executive of Victim Support Scotland said:
“A campaign such as this has never been more needed. With every crime reported, there are many that go unreported, and therefore victims are often left to cope in the aftermath of crime without support. We hope this campaign may give people the confidence to come forward and receive support, regardless of if the crime has been reported to the police.
“It is paramount that lived experience is taken into account when it comes to improving our justice system. Often, people who have come through crime feel invisible in the justice system – and this feeling can multiply if they are feel discriminated against due to their identity.
“Many of the issues that people impacted by crime have faced have been exacerbated during the pandemic. If we want Scotland to have a truly progressive justice system that is fit-for-purpose to deal with the complex needs of victims, witnesses and families, we need policy and decision makers to hear the experiences highlighted during this campaign and beyond to make meaningful change based on this.”
#MindMyVoice stories
Victim Support Scotland launch ‘Mind My Voice’ campaign to help support people affected by crime
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Sam and Tam’s story
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Private: Launch of Mind My Experience – the VSS Language Guide
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Ann’s story
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Geri’s story
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Hannah’s story
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Pete’s story
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