Parliamentary evidence 2017

2017 has been an interesting and busy year for the policy team at Victim Support Scotland.

We responded to consultations, assisted our partners directly in the work they do to ensure the criminal justice sector is fit for victims and witnesses of crime, advanced our user survey, compiled numerous internal and external briefings and reports, and we even hosted a conference on hate crime.

Below is just a sample of some of the main consultations we responded to in 2017. If you have any questions about any of the content, you can get in touch with us.

6 December 2017 Prisoner Voting – Supplementary Equalities and Human Rights Committee
4 December 2017 Scrutiny of COPFS Budget Scottish Government
22 November 2017 Proposed Draft Police Act 1997 and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 Remedial Order 2018 Disclosure Scotland
13 November 2017 Hate Crime Legislation The Right Hon Lord Bracadale
11 October 2017 Prisoner Voting Equalities and Human Rights Committee
11 October 2017 Parole Reform Scottish Government
5 October 2017 Sentencing Council Guidelines Scottish Government
27 September 2017 Pre-Recording of Evidence (child and vulnerable witnesses) Justice Committee
31 August 2017 Investigation of Road Traffic Fatalities The Lord Advocat
26 July 2017 The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Repeal Bill Justice Committee
26 July 2017 Equally Safe Scottish Government
17 July 2017 Law in Relation to Abusive and Threatening Behaviour Petitions Committee
07 June 2017 Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill Justice Committee
19 May 2017 Electronic Monitoring Scottish Government
12 January 2017 Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill Justice Committee

Parliamentary evidence 2019

Parliamentary evidence 2018

Parliamentary evidence 2013 – 2016