Parliamentary evidence 2013 – 2016

Below you can find a list of the responses submitted by VSS to consultations by criminal justice and other relevant agencies.


December 2016 Sections 9(2)(b)(i) of Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 Scottish Government
December 2016 Public Petition on Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Scottish Parliament (Public Petitions Committee)
December 2016 Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy Scottish Government
December 2016 The Creation of a Specific Offence of Domestic Abuse: Proposed Associated Reforms to Criminal Procedure Scottish Government
November 2016 Supplementary Evidence – Inquiry into the Role and Purpose of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
October 2016 Inquiry into the Role and Purpose of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
August 2016 Review of Strategic Police Priorities Scottish Government
June 2016 Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Scottish Government
April 2016 A Criminal Offence of Domestic Abuse Scottish Government
January 2016 Criminal Verdicts (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
December 2015 Proposals to Strengthen the Presumption against Short Periods of Imprisonment Scottish Government
December 2015 Victims’ Rights (Scotland) Regulations Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
September 2015 Removal of Limitation Period for Damages for Victims of Historical Child Abuse Scottish Government
November 2015 Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill Scottish Government
November 2015 Human Rights Inquiry Scottish Parliament (European and External Relations Committee)
August 2015 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Scottish Government
August 2015 Community Justice (Scotland) Bill Scottish Government
August 2015 Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Health and Sport Committee)
May 2015 Proposed Support for Children (Impact of Parental Imprisonment (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Member’s Bill: Mary Fee MSP)
April 2015 Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths etc (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
February 2015 Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
February 2015 Prisoners (Control of Release) (Scotland) Bill Supplementary Submission to the Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
January 2015 Prisoners (Control of Release) (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee)
January 2015 Legal Assistance in Scotland: Fit for the 21st Century Law Society of Scotland
August 2013 Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill Scottish Parliament (Justice Committee

Parliamentary evidence 2019

Parliamentary evidence 2018

Parliamentary evidence 2017